Noella had a strange medical condition. It affected her back and legs, rendering her incapable of walking. Unable to continue her job as a teacher, she lay in bed for six months – watching her military husband care for the children and struggle financially. He brought Noella to every medical service in the city, but received no answers.
When a young Adventist Bible worker in the area heard of Noella through the local grapevine, he paid the family a visit. He prayed for Noella. He also had a request. “Can I ask the small church here to fast and pray for you?” he asked. Noella said yes.​​
Muanda is a town of 50,000 on Congo’s Atlantic cost. Adventist believers here worshipped under a tree each Sabbath. They fasted and prayed for 24 hours, asking God to heal Noella if was His will.
God answered their prayers. Only a few days later, Noella slowly rose to her feet. She walked! One month later, she could return to work as a teacher.
The miracle of Noella’s healing opened her heart to receive the gospel. Officer Mukenga and Noella became faithful students of God’s Word and dedicated their lives to Jesus. They longed to see an Adventist church built in the community. They helped their Bible worker friend to find vacant property for a good price, and did all they could to further the work. ​​
 Train Them 2 Fish helped the local congregation by purchasing the property and sponsoring other associated costs. A big thank you to our donors for giving to sponsor church buildings like this one – as you can see, it provides much-needed shelter, and empty chairs are scarce!​
Noella beamed when she heard the news that we were sending a mobile clinic to the area for two weeks of free medical care. “Allow them to use our new house for medical and dental work,” she urged her husband. “We are not living there yet and I want the building to be dedicated to God’s service.”​​
The free medical clinic provided malaria tests and treatment, blood pressure and glucose checks, and offered free dental, women’s health, and pediatric care. Crucial medications were also available, all free of charge. After three days, 381 people received medical help at Noella’s house.
At the end of the evangelistic effort, Noella and her husband, together with 59 others were baptized.
​Today, the impact continues. A woman with a debilitating disease has found healing, the community is inspired with God’s love, and one less church meets under a tree.
 ​”I am so happy to and excited to join a church that cares for the needy,” Noella states. “God healed me and decided to transform my house into a healing center for my community. From this day forward, I will follow God and support the ministry of healing.”