Emmanuel Kadima grew up as Pastor’s Kid. He was always interested in the Gospel. All his parents live in Kananga over one thousand miles south of Kinshasa. Alone in Kinshasa he didn’t know what to do and then the president of the field office called him and invited him to be a Pastor. He said he wanted to be a lay evangelist. When TT2F selected him to be a Bible Worker he was on the list to do evangelism and he believes that God was calling him. After being trained by TT2F, he went to church and organized a series of meetings for two weeks.

Another denomination heard about it and started a series too, for competition. They didn’t want a SDA series there. This denomination had loud speakers making it impossible for SDA series to proceed. A small group prayed and the loud speakers no longer worked. They were blessed with 22 people who gave their hearts to God – 4 couples were also baptized. After one year, the Mission/field Office saw their growth and decided to organize the Kinkole community into a congregation of 48 Baptized believers. Train Them 2 Fish has invited Kadima to move from Kinkole to the Mbanza-ngungu area to plant a new congregation.