Malala’s father was a Roman Catholic preacher so Malala was raised as Catholic. When he grew up he joined a Pentecostal Revival Church, he was baptized and became an evangelist of that Pentecostal Revival Church. He was a prayer Warrior and church planter. He went to his home in the village to plant the Revival Church. He was invited to attend an SDA meeting and was so impressed with the three Angels’ messages. He decided to become an Adventist and shared the true Gospel to the whole Pentecostal Revival congregation he was leading; all of them became SDA’s. 1 year later Malala was called to become a SDA church planter at Bel Air. He planted his first SDA church at Bel Air and their membership grew to 80 members. He thanks God for TT2F and after training he was called to plant a new church at Kasavubu in a congested area in Kinshasa. 5 people are studying the Bible with Malala