Blanchard dreamed to be a soldier in the Military – he didn’t dream about being a pastor. When he completed secondary school he then went for training as a builder in military. He was not considered as an SDA member. A church elder gave him support to give studies outside of his local church but he didn’t want to because he hadn’t been given an opportunity to preach at the church. The church elder gave him a mentor and after 1 year he accepted to serve the Lord. TT2F told him he could learn to be a Bible worker and Mayeto was so happy to be trained. After the Training he was given an assignment to be a speaker at Pascal for two weeks. 12 people were baptized and this gave Mayeto encouragement to keep serving. TT2F called him to plant a church at Maninga. People at Maninga are open to hearing the Gospel. There are 20 people studying the Bible each week and funds are collected to buy land where a church will be built. Mayeto conducted a series at Maninga for two weeks and 3 new people accepted to be baptized 18 Adventist back sliders decided to come back to the church after the series.
The Maninga, new congregation is in need for a shelter to worship the True God.