Mwenga is a state administrative territory with a population of 630,000 people in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 75 km west of Bukavu city.

There were no Adventist believers in Mwenga until January 2013 when Train Them 2 Fish Congo decided to send brother Kitumaini as a church planter/Bible worker there.

After 10 months of faithful service at Mwenga, the Lord has blessed Kitumaini’s work at Mwenga. A New Congregation of 42 new believers is established at Mwenga town, 13 of them have been baptized. The Holy Spirit touched a layman’s heart to donate a piece of land to the Mwenga congregation for church building. The land donor, brother Lupao used to be church elder in Bukavu before moving to Mwenga. One Sabbath morning, when Lupao visited the Mwenga congregation for the first time, he said to the Bible worker that he heard a voice telling him to donate some land for a church building before he died. Lupao donated the land and one month later he died from an unknown sickness of 8 hours.

The newly Mwenga congregation worships under canvas waiting for your contribution to build a church in memory of Lupao’s faithfulness to God’s voice one month before passing away.

With $15,000 USD we can build a church to accommodate 15 members at Mwenga and keep sponsoring a Bible worker there with $ 90 USD per month.

Thank you for your prayers and support to God’s work at Mwenga.

Late Lupao with some members at Mwenga

Late Lu


Bible Worker Kitumaini giving a Bible Study

Bible Teach


The Mwenga Congregation
