Mr Akongo Mbele

Mr Akongo Mbele

Mr. Akongo used to be an evangelist for local Baptist Church. He went to attend an evangelistic meeting in Kimpese in the Central Kongo Province. After the meetings, he decided to become an Adventist. In 2014 he was baptized. The mission didn’t have money to sponsor...
Leonard Oracihola

Leonard Oracihola

Oracihola used to be a Pentecostal evangelist. In 2012 he was invited to attend evangelistic meetings where Dr. Williams was holding a series in the City of Bukavu, DR Congo. Leonard was so impressed with the preaching and the doctrines. One day he came early to the...
Jean Neptune Englise

Jean Neptune Englise

My name is Jean Neptune, I was born a Roman Catholic but I lost all desire of being a Christian and after my graduation from High school I was no longer connected to any church or religious belief. By that time I made my decision to become a soldier and went to...

Humble Beginnings

By Pastor Ongasa Thomas, the South Kivu Field President for the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ellen G. White says that “When an interest is aroused in any town or city, that interest should be followed up. The place should be thoroughly worked, until a humble house of...

From Mulamba to Ibula

From Mulamba to Ibula, it is the Macedonian cry which is sounding and is being repeated everywhere. That cry is for the people who need to be saved. Do what you can, to help meet that need. That comes from the evangelism of the people who have not heard the Gospel of...